Every OSS stack goes through periods and decisions that radically shape its direction and impacts for years to come. Whether an off-the-shelf product suite (like SunVizion), or an integrated OSS assembled by carriers, the same is true.

Pivotal moments. When drastic changes to your OSS are inevitable

Each of these stacks is being worked on nearly every day of every year. Small refinements, small decisions, small impacts, small changes in direction. All of these efforts and decisions combine to form powerful movements over time. Sometimes they are ad-hoc and the OSS meanders along on the collective of small decisions, particularly under modern Agile or DevOps regimes. For other organisations, the target solutions are really clear and the incremental changes are all pulling towards a commonly understood destination.

However, this article is not about the incremental. It’s all about what we’ll call Pivotal Moments.


As Tim Denning describes, “Getting even one piece of honest feedback, one insight, can change our lives forever. 

One insight that gives us the exact, word-for-word script to handle that nagging conversation we've been struggling with. 

One insight that deconstructs precisely how top performers handle a particular situation...and then teaches us the step-by-step way to implement it. 

One insight that shows us a flash of what we can achieve. 

I call these "Pivotal Moments."

We all have Pivotal Moments in our lives.”


Clearly Tim was talking about moments in our personal lives, but the same can be said for the destinies of OSS stacks.

For any OSS solution, there are also clear Pivotal Moments. These are the seismic shifts brought about by transformations of technology, people, process or a combination thereof. These aren’t decisions to be taken lightly, either from a short-term or long-term perspective. Firstly, choosing to embark on the OSS transformation journey can be daunting for many. Then secondly, determining a new target destination is the right one can require a leap of great faith.

Seeking a flash of what your OSS could achieve

However, preceding the actual transformation commitment point, there are the times when one insight, one flash of inspiration, one commitment, one catastrophic failure situation or one brave decision will forever alter the destination of the OSS. These are the moments when there’s a realisation that change is more than just necessary, it’s vitally compelling or inevitable. Pivotal Moments.

We often see Pivotal Moments not just within organisations, but in waves of change that sweep through the industry. The waves of change currently underway have been triggered by investments in 5G and migration to public cloud infrastructure amongst many other factors.

In recent times, we’ve seen an increase in telcos reaching their Pivotal Moments, when they’ve recognised that they need to make strategic changes in direction. Sometimes these have been brought about by competitive forces, underlying changes to the technologies that OSS manage or just a realisation that their existing solutions can no longer offer a viable path to align with their future direction.

Are you reaching the Pivotal Moment when an OSS transformation is inevitable?

These Pivotal Moments are being laid bare in the form of requests for proposal (RFPs) and through contacts to us by prospective clients as they seek to transform their OSS. We’ve seen a sharp upswing in OSS procurement events in recent times.

If you’re having that nagging doubt, feel that you’re nearing the pivotal moment where change is inevitable, or are just seeking a flash of insight about what you can achieve with your OSS, we’d be delighted to speak with you.