When young people ask me for career advice, I always tell them: “Don’t just focus on your own accomplishments. Be a collaborator,”

The quote above comes from Harvard Career Expert, Heidi K. Gardner, in her article, “The No. 1 ‘desirable skill’ that very few people have—especially men.” In it she describes how her research unlocked an important and often overlooked insight: “People who figured out how to collaborate across teams gained a major competitive edge over those who did not.” Collaborators have been shown to deliver better results, have more satisfied customers and get promoted faster. 

When you think of OSS and BSS transformations, do you think of them as a technology challenge to solve, a people challenge or a business challenge? Or maybe a combination of all of the above?

Most of us in the OSS industry love to solve technology problems. Luckily there are lots of problems waiting to be solved in the telco industry, so that’s kept a lot of OSS / BSS people busy over the years. Some of the problems solved have been as simple as they are ingenious. Others have required quite sophisticated solutions. Our developers can really make our code-base sing and deliver amazing results, can’t they?

The impact of FOMO and FOMU on OSS/BSS buying decisions

FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out, is a feeling of anxiety or regret that arises when someone believes that they might miss out on an opportunity. It’s often used to persuade people to make impulsive decisions based on the perceived fear of missing out, possibly to the extent of even triggering irrational buying behaviours.

One of the biggest attractions of OSS and BSS is their ability to automate and scale processes to operate large networks. The automation factor is often what drives the business case. The business cases are approved because of the Return on Investment (ROI) that comes from taking humans out of the loop (and out of the cost-base). What many people don’t realise is that the opposite can also be true. OSS and BSS can be a platform to drive customer personalisation. Can you make an OSS and/or BSS business case based on personalisation? It’s rare, but definitely possible. All it takes is a mindset shift.

OSS and BSS solutions are known as technical challenges. Many of the people working on them or with them see themselves as technical experts. We therefore typically see the people and the technologies through a highly technical lens. However, the true success of OSS/BSS solutions comes when we see them more broadly, through human and technical lenses. 

OSS and BSS Strengthening Telecommunications Operations

An article by Harvard Business Review (HBR) indicates that, “Resilience was defined by most as the ability to recover from setbacks, adapt well to change, and keep going in the face of adversity.” That reduces frustration and improves customer satisfaction, which can ultimately lead to increased loyalty and retention, reduce frustration and improve customer satisfaction, which can ultimately lead to increased loyalty and retention.